Horace’s Wisdom

The concept of moderation is nothing new. Philosophers have mused about moderation since antiquity.

We named our elephant logo, Horace, after the ancient Roman poet philosopher (65 BC – 8 BC) who had a bit to say about moderation like:

“That man does best who chooses the middle way…”

Whether man, woman or elephant, the middle ground isn’t the easiest to find, but it’s often a step closer to the truth, and to one another.

And that’s a good place to start.

Our Story

You are a big part of the bmoderate story.

People like you who are intrigued about what it means to live moderately. People who live with intention and a desire for increased connection with one another. People who are tired of feeling division everywhere you turn. People who have a philosophical bent on life and who aren’t afraid to challenge themselves to live more consciously.

My own relationship with the concept of moderation started in my early 20s simply with the phrase we all know - “Everything in moderation” which initially gave me the permission to explore and try things. A different experience or point of view. It’s helped me immensely to feel connected to others despite our differences.

Being moderate to me is a lifestyle choice. Especially when it comes to other human beings. I am endlessly curious about people, where they come from, what makes them tick, why they behave the way they do.

I do have my ego moments, as we all do, when I get hunkered down in my corner of belief that I must be right about this, that or the other, but eventually I manage to crawl my way out towards the middle - where the truth most often is. And to me it’s the most interesting and dynamic place to be.

At bmoderate, our goal is to embody our philosophy. To embrace moderation in the way we live. Our products are daily reminders to be used at home and out in the world that inspire conscious connection with others - and within ourselves.

In these modern times where most everything feels polarizing, we’re excited to do our small part in shrinking the divide.

Let’s meet in the middle.


Founder/Creative Lead